Independent Inquiry Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA)

I worked with IICSA alongside UX Design agency Nomensa for over 3 years. During that time, we worked with the Inquiry on their digital estate; enabling them to surface their investigations into historical child sexual abuse, create on-going dialogue with victims and survivors, and pave the way for change to prevent child sexual abuse now and in the future. My role varied between Project Direction and UX Designer.

The Truth Project


A microsite for Victims and Survivors

The Truth Project microsite allows victims and survivors of child sexual abuse to share their experiences. The site worked alongside an offline campaign created by agency Mullenlowe.


Collaborative sketching workshop

Work on The Truth Project began with a collaborative sketching workshop to imagine how the site could best serve user needs and reflect the offline campaign.


Wireframe and early concept design exploration

Early exploration included wireframes to confirm what was required on the microsite, as well as different creative translations of the offline campaign.


Interim report

The interim report required a flexible microsite, as the fast turnaround meant a site needed to be ready to receive content before the final edit was received. To enable this, we created templates that could accommodate different content formats, and therefore allow the site to be published quickly.


The responsive site explored different navigation options on various devices as we knew there would be a significant amount of content to publish very quickly.

As IICSA moves towards the end of the 4 year Inquiry, they will use their digital estate to preserve the legacy of the Inquiry’s investigations, the voices of victims and survivors and the Inquiry’s recommendations.


My role:
Creative Direction
UX Design


Energy Systems Catapult - home energy pilot


Alzheimer's Society - Memory Walk site